Twelve pink roses

Bouquet with twelve pink roses

This amazing bouquet of roses with the wrought like heads having the color of dawn are so delightful, that it just doesn't require nothing else to add. These gorgeous flowers will help you to show up your love and care to the one you love.

All costs are included in the shown price (Vat, delivery fee and service), therefore, no charge will be added to the order
All the floral gift will be arranged few time before the delivery by our florists that will adhere as closely as possible at the arrangement purchased, respecting the same colours, composition and type of flowers chosen.
The image are approximate, but any of our local florist will respect as closely as possible at the arrangement purchased, respecting the same colours, composition and type of flowers chosen.
All vases or other objects shown in the photo are not included unless specified in the purchase
MyFlora send only fresh flowers!!
Our delivery are always dispatched on time.